Something in the sky: What was it?
I saw something odd falling or flying through the sky in the rain today. I’m not certain what it was; maybe part of a satellite
I saw something odd falling or flying through the sky in the rain today. I’m not certain what it was; maybe part of a satellite
Tofu is a much better and much more tasty meat than you realize…
Colonel Sanders, as he was known, was born in Indiana on September 9, 1890 to relative anonymity, but after wringing his father’s neck with his bare hands at the age of 5 his name was to be forever bound to the slaughter of the helpless.
On July 16, 1907 the world was forever changed. In a small town in Indiana, USA the future suppressor of the minds of mankind was born: Orville Clarence Redenbacher.
Mole People now rule the earth…
I’ve had a really screwed up schedule the last couple weeks due to the holidays and my ridiculously long break from real work. This, coupled with my natural tendency towards being nocturnal, has brought to my attention several overlooked points that all those fan-girls gushing over the trendy new vampire series may want to read. […]